Our Signature Programs
Think Fast Talk Smart - An Applied Improvisation Course
To stand out in a competitive marketplace as a strong communicator, you need to master creativity, harness empathy and embody playfulness. These seemingly "soft" skills help us take the unexpected in stride, work well with others and think on our feet.
So how can we develop these "soft" skills?
Improvise. We all improvise every day.
Every interaction is an improvised scene where we are the actor, writer, and director. When we study improv, we look at how we can improvise effectively. How can we be better at our performances as leaders, team members, teachers, students, partners, parents, innovators, and managers?
This course is a series of six three-hour workshops, using techniques from coaching and improvisation.
It applies the improvisational theatre principles to develop these critical communication skills to adapt to your environment. It translates the theories and exercises of improv into an application at work.
It also utilises coaching techniques to realise your personal communication goals and objectives. You and your peers will hold each other accountable.
In this course, you will learn the various Applied Improvisation Principles:
Accepting offers
Listening and awareness
Non-verbal communication
You will learn how to command the room, listen effectively and build on each other's ideas.
Seed to Stage - A Six Week Storytelling Course
Have you ever wanted to learn how to tell a story and captivate your audience?
Yes, you do!
In this course, you will learn how to take your experiences and create stories with meaning for an audience. You'll surprise yourself with how engaging your tales can be!
Whether you're aspiring to be a What's Your Story Slam champion, a start-up founder looking to pump up your pitch, or someone who wants to feel confident up on stage -- this class will help.
In this class, you will learn:
the essential elements of telling a story
how to surprise your audience and make them care
how to be confident in your skin on stage
how to discover and share the real meaning behind your experience
This class will make public speaking a safe and enjoyable experience.
Classes will include techniques and exercises from theatre, examples of performances from some of the finest storytellers, and various methods and approaches to prepare yourself on stage.
You'll get from this class at least one polished, five to six-minute story and the fundamentals needed to develop future tales.
We finish the course with a class showcase. You will perform your story in front of a live, super-supportive audience (max of 50 guests).
You'll be surprised by how addictive telling a story on stage can be.
Max number of participants: 10.