We are in the business of helping people and organisations solve critical challenges in an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world:
Organisations & Teams:
How can my team collaborate and work together more effectively?
How can we communicate more impactfully and persuasively?
How do I manage those difficult conversations - internally and externally?
How do I drive the engagement and development of my people?
Individuals & Entrepreneurs:
How can I present in a way that makes people sit up and listen?
How can I feel more comfortable with the unexpected?
How do I communicate my story more authentically and impactfully?
How do I learn how to enjoy networking?
WYSH offers experiential training, coaching and consulting services in Improv, Storytelling and Applied Theatre - all of which can bolster the soft skills vital to succeeding in the modern business world.
According to Asian Management Insights, the top three skills required for the future will be complex problem solving, coordinating with others and people management.
We work with organizations, companies and individuals from all industries, sectors and cultures, extensively in the APAC region and beyond.
For organizations, professionals, entrepreneurs
Ranging from 2 hours to multi-day programmes
Applied Theatre
1:1 or 1:many
Executive and skills-based
Personal/professional branding
Sales and presentation skills
Executive development.
Human Capital
Employer brand
Storytelling culture
Employee skills development
Sales Effectiveness & enablement
Corporate culture
Strategy & operations

We are all storytellers. 80% of our communication is through a story. How we make sense of facts is by creating narratives that connect events to past experiences. In its basic form, stories are about making sense of cause and effect.
Sample Workshops:
Harnessing the Power of Your Story
Improvised Storytelling
What’s Your Story Circles
Werewolf - Game of Deception
Improv – short for “improvisation” – is the art of unscripted theatre. In business, improv is applied to improve critical skills like communication, collaboration, creativity and agility.
Sample Workshops:
Listen to Lead
Art of Play - Managing Spontaneity through Improv
Improv for Storytellers
Collaborating in a Remote Word
Werewolf - Game of Deception